Friday, August 16, 2019

DFI Week Four- Dancing with Devices

Well, welcome to my one take Screen castify video about being Cybersmart! Screen castify allowed me to record myself as I awkwardly stumble through the Manaiaakalani Cybersmart website. Enjoy.

Today we had opportunities to explore both iPads and chromebooks! Often we ask our learners to work on these devices without knowing these devices ourselves.

iPads- I am able to see the benefit for these for younger children, but I must admit the time it must take to set up these iPads to be ready for learning would be rather substantial. I had a play on the Explain everything app, check out the video below! I love the evidence this would produce for the teacher. Take handwriting as an example, you are able to see how learners are forming their letters. The recording of the students can be saved in their drive and you are then able to get back to this video at a later stage.

Chromebooks- I have had experiences on chromebooks before, but it was very useful to look into keyboard shortcuts! My goal, for whenever I next have time is to create a visual poster with the most commonly used chromebook shortcuts! I think this aspect of the DFI would directly relate back to the classroom and would be so useful. We use technology day to day so we want to be able to use it as effectively and efficiently as we can. I know I have left this DFI with a few more shortcuts to add to be kete, such as the select all shortcut ( ctrl + A). 

We also explored all that Hapara- some points that I felt were a real asset of the dashboard; 
You can have custom folders at the top of the page, these must be done by the “manager"of Hapara at you school
You can view blog posts and comments from each learners blogs, in one handy click.  
Highlights page allows you to look at what each learner is currently working on, in real time.
Guided browsing-  you can set a guided learning activity and it means learners are only able to access this page/activity for whatever time you have allocated. 
Forgetting passwords, a event which I could imagine could be quite painful can easily be solved by the teacher, through Hapara. The teacher can reset any child's password if they have forgotten it. 
Also, being able to close tabs on students Chromebooks remotely! I could imagine you would get a few confused faces when a tab randomly disappears off a students Chromebook! 

Another week down and already looking forward to the next! 


  1. I really enjoy being part of a group learning with you. You are so enthusiastic, skilled, positive and knowledgable and I feel that you make me better. I love reading your posts as it makes me think further about my own teaching and learning.
    Have a fantastic weekend.

  2. Agree, highly skilled and knowledgeable like Ubby said. I am very lucky to have you alongside me, helping me with the bits and pieces I miss, or don't quite manage to 'get'. I took away many of the same highlights which resonated with you as well Briar.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Good idea with the poster of shortcuts Briar, Hapara is a useful tool and so is screencastify!

  5. I do love Hapara, and was stoked to see how to create a guided browsing session, something I will have a go at this week! Love your idea about creating a digital poster for shortcuts Briar.

  6. Kia ora Briar, So much learning. A poster of keyboard shortcuts is a good idea. Do google it first though - it might already exist. You can turn off the audio recording on Explain Everything and just record the screen if you are not speaking.


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