Friday, August 2, 2019

DFI Session Two- Workload

The name of our Digital Fluency Intensive Session Two is Workload, I was soon able to see why. There are many tips, tricks and hacks that I can see will save me time and improve my workflow. 

Some new learning that increased my understanding of the Manaiakalani kaupapa was around the RAT model and SAMR. These models make sure that you are making the most of the digital tool you are using. Maria spoke about when trying follow the SAMR model, it is recommenced that you specifically focus on Modification and Redefinition. Modification means that the technology you are using allows for significant task modification/redesign. Redefinition allows a new task to be created that previously would have been unimaginable.  Alongside SAMR sits the “RAT: model, Recognise, Amplify and Turcbocharge. 

To address the workload mentioned above there is numerous new tricks that I can see myself using in the near future to streamline to workflow. 

The use of smart compose when drafting emails. With smart compose it is the equivalent of predictive texts on most cellphones. When you press tab in the middle of a sentence it will provide a suggestion as to what you may want to see next. The more you send emails and use smart compose, the more accurate it will become with suggesting. In the start it may appear  ineffective, but in time it will become familiar with your vocabulary and phrasing. 

Saving bookmarks as an icon rather than an icon and text. My bookmarks bar looks more streamlined and user friendly. 

A tool that I would like to know for the future would be an extension or programme that allows students to record their screen, themselves and their voice. This would be a useful took to use during a reading rotation, students could read their book in front of the chromebook and play the recording back to themselves. As the teacher I would also be able to see reading behaviors.


  1. I really like how you are forward thinking about what new learning you would like to enhance the learning for your students - I think that what you are wanting to learn would also be of benefit to my 5 year olds. The smart compose when writing emails, I agree, will be definitely used! How did you manage with the hangouts? Have you joined in any of the toolkit hangouts yet?

  2. Kia ora Briar, me mihi nui kia koe. I enjoyed working with you today and suggest that you try screencastify or loom to record your tamariki reading (using chromebooks). I have found sunshine online is great for this and the children were highly engaged.
    Have fun.

  3. Good to see a summary of the SAMR model and RAT and an illustration. Thanks

  4. Kia ora Briar,
    I'm glad the RAT model and SAMR framework resonated with you. The graphic you found is a nice one that gives ideas of how the tech is used. I have collected together more info on the SAMR framework here on a blog post.


  5. Kia ora Briar,
    Workload was the title of the DFI and workload it was. My head was full by the time we finished. I had to go back into the agenda to look at some of the links again to rewind my learning. My bookmark bar looks tidier too.
    Looking forward to another session of leanring next week.
    Mā te wā


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